I’m Hannah. FMCHC, BS, 200hr CYT

  • Blending the spirit of God with the healing modalities of biological processes and a little energy medicine.

  • I am obsessed with Homeopathy & Splankna as healing modalities.

  • Mama to a two spunky little boys & three crazy fur-babies.

  • Military spouse, married to a physician’s assistant. Love to travel (20+ countries!) but hate to move.

  • Raising my family on good food, big love, intentional mindfulness and a lot of patience. Natural EVERYTHING!

  • Intense love of learning.

  • I am currently a student of Homeopathy at the School of Homeopathy. A four year degree program to become a certified homeopath. I have been self-taught over the last few years but saw the value in learning more for more for my clients and family.

  • I am trained as a practitioner in Craniosacral Fascial Therapy

  • I utilize German New Medicine and study under practitioners around the world.

  • Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and countless hours of experiences in coaching clients.

  • I am in the process of completing my 500 hour Yoga Teacher Certification.

  • Advocate for getting children outside. There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes (and I LOVE quality outerwear).

  • Passionate about living in the mountains (Colorado!) and all things Forest school for little humans. Nature heals & builds.

  • Obsessed with birthing empoweredr, BRAIN decision making, and motherhood as a catalyst for change - co-host to My Body, My Bump, My Baby Podcast.

  • Wannabe writer - maybe there is a book in my future?

  • Knows there is not a one size fits all solution for health on this earth (it truly comes from God). I stand firm in freedom of choice.

  • Believer in the body’s innate ability to heal and that all beings are sons and daughters of God.

  • Corporate business leader turned Holistic Health coach (read my story below!)

My story.

Let me preface this by telling you the I wasn’t always this way. I worked for a major corporation for a decade of my life before I realized it was impacting my health.

My love of health is personal and I took my health back for my family after being diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) in 2019. Ask me today and I will tell you all about how MS was the best gift of a diagnosis I could ever have been given and it KEEPs giving. The diagnosis is just a code on an insurance form - it does not own me - I own my own choices and God owns my path in this life.

As for my personal healing journey, I am constantly humbled. The start of my health journey began with obsessing over food as medicine, toxins as poisons, and stress as the evil causing so many of my symptoms. Gradually, as I began to learn more and dive deeper into the depths of my soul and my belief in God, my perspective on true health has shifted. I see symptoms as the body sharing what is healing; a biological adaption our bodies make for traumas, often stored deep in our psyche. Seriously - look up German New Medicine, it might change your life.

Homeopathy has been a God send that has empowered me in healing my mind over the years. It is such a fascinating form of medicine and I am back in school to be a Homeopath because of its healing nature.

For me, what I choose to put into my body now all has to do with energy. Whether it be food, water, or homeopathy, I aim to create a positive energy force in the choices I make for me and my family.

Yes, I call myself “holistic”, but I mean that in such a real way - I am so over the fear-based approach to that. I like to look at what I practice, truly know and believe, as “in the middle”. It doesn’t matter if you eat gluten, whether your water is filtered, if you eat seed oils (I said it) or if you still burn a soy candle in your house on occasion. There is much more to health than all that. What really matters is the energy you are putting into your body, mind, and soul. And what you’re doing to release your stored traumas, whether or not you’re aware of them

Proverbs 15:17 says, “Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened ox with hatred..” What energy are you putting in to everything in your life - love or hatred? This matters.

Are you sick of having symptoms and want to explore more about how you can own your own health? I’d love to meet you <3