Craniosacral Fascial Therapy

Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) is the work of Dr. Barry Gillespie. It is based on his theory that the Craniosacral and Fascial systems are not separate but one interconnected system. CFT blends the two established modalities of Dr. William Sutherland's Craniosacral Therapy and John Barnes' Myofascial Release, along with dental techniques developed from Dr. Gillespie’s experience as a periodontist. 

What is Fascia?

Fascia is the body’s connective tissue, providing a framework that helps support and protect muscles, organs, and the entire body as a unit. It is an all-encompassing web found throughout the body that protects the entire body as a whole. Out fascia stores our traumas, whether physical or emotional. Check out German New Medicine for a bit more of a dive into this.

How does CFT Help?

Our brains have an inherent motion of expansion and contraction which optimizes the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. Any restrictions or damage to this motion can greatly affect our health and wellbeing.  

CFT techniques are designed to gently unwind and release accumulated fascial strain. This allows optimal mobility and better brain function. When the Craniosacral Fascial System is loose and open there is free flow of cerebrospinal fluid to help nourish and cleanse toxins.

What does a session look like?

Sessions are in person and hands-on. I spend time to understand what it is you would like to take from the session and then we get to work. We always start at the occiput or sacrum in order to connect into the Craniosacral system and start moving the cerebrospinal fluid. This is a very light touch therapy. From there, we let the body’s fascial system guide us where to go. You may find that although there is a physical sensation in one part of the body, the unwinding needs to happen somewhere else.

Each session is 45-60 minutes depending on your needs.

How do I schedule?

Because I come to you, my scheduling takes place by connecting me via email at