Homeopathy is Medicine

It is actually the longest standing practice of medicine with research that we have on this planet.

Homeopathy has its basis in the Law of Similars. What this means is that something that can cause symptoms in a healthy person can also heal an unhealthy person experiencing the same symptoms.

Homeopathy takes the health of the mind into importance and views dis-ease and physical symptoms as manifestations on the mental/emotional level.

An individual will always stay sick if they don’t find true freedom of the mind. This is where homeopathy can support.

Dr. Samuel J Hahnemann is the founder of Homeopathy. He did not like how allopathic medicine was being practiced in his day and started digging and digging because he knew there had to be something more. Something that would actually cure his children when sick, not harm them.

He is widely known for proving the first homeopathic remedies, which means he essentially did his own version of double-blind placebo studies on remedies. He then went on to write and re-write The Organon six times, detailing homeopathic principles for the world.

The physician’s high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed.” - § 1, The Organon - Dr. Samuel J. Hahnemann.

There is much similarity to the Hippocratic Oath of “First, Do No Harm”. Speaking of Hippocrates, the Greek physician (460-377 BC.), he spoke of the Law of Similars back in the ancient time as well. It is not new. Do we really do no harm in allopathic medicine today? Are we healthy with all of our allopathic advancements?

Since Hahnemann’s time, thousands of homeopathic remedies have been proven using very structured methods, testing the remedies on healthy individuals and not the sick (like allopathic medicine).

When you work with a homeopath, your case will be taken on an individual basis. You’ll typically spend 90-120 minutes in your first appointment really understanding you as an individual. A homeopath looks to understand you in totality, not on an individual organ-based allopathic level. This is a big difference.

I am training to be a Homeopath, which means that I will graduate with over 4,700 hours in homeopathy training, clinic case taking and human sciences.