German New Medicine

Your Symptoms Are The Healing

This isn’t a new concept. Germanic Healing Knowledge, properly referred to as Germanische Heilkunde, is free thinking without validation or benefit. knowing GHK is being able to see the body’s manifestations with this free perception. Symptoms aren’t good or bad, what they are is *useful*. Nature, biology, truth is all about usefulness..

The Romans thought about everything in terms of “How will this benefit me? What’s the value here?” Whereas the ancient Germanic perception was free from the benefit/value element. Truth just simply *was*. It wasn’t good, it wasn’t evil, it wasn’t valuable or not valuable, it just was what it was. Which in a way is being able to see things freely, thus “free thinking”.

This is the truth shared in many cultures. Thinking back to principle of Homeopathy, Eastern medicine practices and Louise Hay, dis-ease is always manifested at the mental/emotional level. Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer just proved this with his study of dis-ease and made the scientific connection using brain scans to show that every physical symptom manifestation occurs at the level of the psyche, the brain and the organ. Now you know why you sneeze :)

Spend some time learning below <3

I originally made this video for a free lecture I did on Germanische Heilkunde. Everyone should know about how our psyche and brain connects the physical organ level of our bodies. This is wonderful news. No symptom is special and each is a protective adaption. We were created in a beautiful way. I hope you enjoy learning with this tool <3

Want to connect your symptoms to a healing?