A LITTLE personal story…
I recently ran a comprehensive Metabolomix+ panel with my son because I wanted to see if something was impacting his sleep. When I saw the results, I looked at my husband and said a version of the phrase, “what the heck”, though it wasn't PG-rated.
It was one of the worst panels I have ever reviewed.
A little bit of background:
My son eats 90% organic, he eats clean sources of meat and fish protein, and has a more than adequate amount of fruit and vegetable servings each day. He rarely falls ill and when he does, he fights it within a day or two and we are back to normal. We filter our water and our air and we don't bring any toxic chemicals, fragrances, or cleaning supplies into our home.
So why the heck would his detox pathways and nutrient absorption be off even when we do all of the things?
My health during pregnancy. I harp on this all of the time. Yes, I was mega “health-conscious" leading up to conception, throughout pregnancy, and into postpartum. I had a vaginal and unmedicated birth. But I was sick before I became health-conscious and the years add up. And Mama's microbiome becomes baby's microbiome. When I compared the same labs I had drawn postpartum to my son’s labs 18 months out… I laughed. I was being reminded of one of my biggest truths I teach and coach women on in my practice.
Our food system. It is messed up. I love Dr. Mark Hyman's book, Food Fix, for anyone that wants to learn a little bit more about this. Our pediatric ND (The Organic Cure) reminded me, again, of how this is failing our children and it leads to the idea that we likely either need to supplement our children or put them on pharmaceuticals. For me, I'll choose the former.
Stress. We underestimate the impact that stress has on our body's ability to function as God intends. If we are under stress, we don't absorb nutrients well and we don't detox well, among many other things. And yes, children can be stressed, even if they don't seem like it. Some things that cause stress in children are: separation from mom & dad (think - sleep time, work time, etc.) and sending the stress of those around them.
Genetics. I can’t change this. BUT I can influence genetic expression using food, lifestyle, and homeopathy.. Genes load the gun, but environment and lifestyle pulls the trigger. This is true for all dis-ease and sickness.
This got me thinking. If my son's labs (and remember, these are specialty labs that are more personalized versus a run of the mill blood draw) showed such a variability from ideal value versus actual value, what is going on with children whose parents aren't focusing on the food the eat, the water they drink, and the air they breathe? The BASICS.
So what are three basic and simple things we can do for our children to help support their health that takes minimal time?
Feed REAL food. Choose organic vs. conventional.
Get outside! Into fresh air and the sunshine!
Filter your water. Look at what is in your water using EWG's water database and make an informed decision about what you are feeding your children.
Again, these are the very basics. Things like preconception and pregnancy health. the food system, genetics, and supplementing littles ones are a bit more challenge to navigate alone and often where I come in as a coach. But never fail, this is now where I am in our own personal health journey, coaching myself through it, and children are so malleable. I have no doubt of my son’s ability to grab health by the horns and I will support him in this journey.
All of this is meant as a nudge, to you, mama. Do you know what is going on in your kids’ bodies and minds? We will never know the full picture, but there are variables we, as parents, CAN control. What is stopping you?