An autumn mindset: season of transition

I don’t know about you, but the transition from summer to autumn for me is one that brings about the feeling of nostalgia, slowing down, and a very big exhale. I’ve thought on this over the last few weeks as I venture outside in the cool mornings and I have yet to come up with an indefinite and scientific reasoning why, but I do know it is a feeling. It feels safe. And feelings are always valid.

Daylight begins to shorten, the smell of the air begins to become more crisp, and the color begin to shift. Autumn brings about the equilibrium of the day and the night. The balance of light and dark. It is a time of harvest and a time of transition. It is such a wonderful opportunity for us to embrace mindfulness in our practices both in and out of our homes. This practice helps us regular our nervous system and even improve digestion.

Tools for mindfulness in seasons of transition

  • Pause. So much of our lives revolve around to do lists, appointments, and even the news. How often do you truly pause and participate in the present moment? This act of pause allows us to actively make space for balance and rest in both our bodies and minds. Consider breath work and meditation to help you slow down, reconnect, and ultimately pause in this change of seasons. Reflection: What would you do if you had unlimited time to pause?

  • Refocus on your nutrition. How much water are your drinking each day? Do you feel depleted in your nutrients or do you feel great after he harvest from the summer’s supply? Is the main source of your food Mother Earth or the inner aisles of the grocery store? Slow down and refocus on the basics: good and whole organic foods and clean water will make you thrive. Reflection: What does your ideal vision of health look like to you in six months?

  • Cherish in gratitude. What are you grateful for from the last few months? Better yet, pause and reflect on small gratitudes like the pen that helps you write these words or the rose bush in your yard that blooms an incredible smell each year. Think a bit deeper and outside of the box. Reflection: What has worked well for you in this past season of life?

  • Create a new morning routine. This one is so fun, yet also goes far in creating the sense of peace with transition. Perhaps try a new tea every day, read an article that is of interest to you every morning at the same time, or sit and try to pause for a few minutes and just be after your little one goes down for the first nap of the day. Reflection: What resources do you have access to?

Some final words in the season of transition:

Be gentle with yourself - both your body and your mind. Give yourself grace with every passing moment. The intent of autumn and this season of transition is to serve as a reminder that sometimes in life there is a need to slow down and this is OK. Things change. Colors change, people change, your goals change. Everything can change. Obstacles can be overcome, but there does not need to be a race to the finish line. Embracing this can be the difference between anxious and present.

As a holistic health coach, the mind and mental space is one area of deep focus because it offers insight into what was in the past and what can be in the future. So I leave you with one last reflection in this season of change: What is keeping you from getting where you want to go during this season of transition?

I love coaching clients through transitions and reflections. Please reach out to me I’d love to hear from you!

with great exhale,



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