Marshmallow (Althea officinalis)
I love althea officinalis for families. It is such a wonderful addition to your family “medicine” cabinet. When used medicinally, root of this plant has a phenomenal moistening factor that brings water into many types of tissues in the body and it can soothe digestive upset!.
Linden (Tilia americana)
Linden is one big exhale. It has one of the most simple and floral scents I have ever experienced. From sleeplessness, to burn out, to blood pressure, Linden can support you with a beautiful “hug in a mug”.
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
Fennel is a known galactagogue (i.e. milk booster) for mothers. But did you know that fennel is also a phenomenal tool to support your digestion? Read on to learn a bit more about fennel, how to grow it, and a recipe for a milk stimulating nursing tea.